To publish a 3d World, please follow the following steps:
1. In the editorial/administration bar go to: Content – Content - Add Content
1.1. Select 3D Worlds
2. In the space 3D Worlds, write the title of the world you want to publish.
3. Summary
Important: This summary is visible in the 3D world landing page, in the list of worlds:
3.1 Font colors:
Blue for the titles and links: #156aa3
Gray for the portuguese text: #696969
3.2. Links:
3.2.1. Visit the 3D World, the target is
3.2.1. Visit the the Builders Home page, the target is pop up window, Resizable.
4. Body
4.1. In the body, write the text “Go to Title of the world”
4.2. Insert the link and define the target
5. Body Images
Upload 5 images, this is visible in the gallery:
5.2. In the title of the image, write the text "Click to visit the image gallery".
6. Thumbnail
6.1. Upload the image thumbnail. (210 x 120 px)
6.2. In the title of the image, write: Click to visit the image gallery.
6.3. TitleGrid *
Title of the world and link, target new blank page
7. Menu settings
Check the box Provide a menu link
8. Publishing options
Check the box Published
This is a small tutorial that explains how to publish a 3d world, please leave your comments and doubts.