Active forum topics

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Hot topic Notes for 3D printing workshops
by artur on 2015, December 1 - 15:44
7 3,708 by vcard
2015, December 11 - 03:01
Free expression!
Normal topic Nvidia trains AI to transform 2D images into 3D models
by goncaloperes on 2019, December 11 - 19:58
554 by goncaloperes
2019, December 11 - 19:58
Normal topic O ano da Web3D?
by artur on 2015, January 10 - 11:58
2 1,329 by artur
2015, February 2 - 12:57
General discussion
Hot topic Old police station...
by Rui Leitão on 2012, July 9 - 16:55
7 2,593 by Pedro Andre Silva
2015, February 2 - 23:41
Worlds and objects
Normal topic opções de viewers para open sim
by isaseppi on 2018, November 5 - 14:22
1,143 by isaseppi
2018, November 5 - 14:26
Opensim UAb
Normal topic Open Game Art
by artur on 2012, July 5 - 18:21
1 1,107 by vcard
2012, July 12 - 10:44
Normal topic OpenSim UAb - immediate access for visitors
by vcard on 2018, November 4 - 22:21
714 by vcard
2018, November 5 - 01:00
Opensim UAb
Normal topic Optimization Techniques for Games Developed in Unity
by vcard on 2017, September 25 - 20:26
914 by vcard
2017, September 25 - 22:05
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Paleolithic Reconstruction - a work in progress
by artur on 2012, April 5 - 18:27
661 by artur
2012, April 5 - 18:27
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Paradise Island
by babelx3d on 2017, July 9 - 13:38
1 2,233 by goncaloperes
2019, November 22 - 15:30
Worlds and objects
Hot topic Parque Espacial /Space Park
by parque_espacial on 2012, July 4 - 14:25
7 2,900 by Multi-User Worlds
2015, February 2 - 23:42
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Platforms Characteristics
by tiagoperes on 2020, May 11 - 14:47
3 1,810 by tester
2020, May 13 - 22:55
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Playing with augmented reality
by artur on 2013, April 20 - 15:02
523 by artur
2013, April 20 - 15:02
General discussion
Normal topic Playing with Sketchup
by artur on 2015, March 26 - 22:37
1 1,073 by Pedro Andre Silva
2015, April 9 - 13:19
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Ponte de Lima – Castelo Século XIV Overview
by Fanny on 2011, November 21 - 09:37
897 by Fanny
2015, February 2 - 23:59
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Ponte de Lima – Vila an Overview
by Fanny on 2011, November 21 - 09:40
894 by Fanny
2015, February 3 - 00:00
Worlds and objects
Hot topic Portugal 3D exhibition
by jaqfneto on 2012, July 3 - 11:05
5 2,474 by jaqfneto
2015, February 2 - 23:44
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Primeiro desafio em sketchup
by halt on 2015, June 1 - 01:26
2 1,489 by artur
2015, July 8 - 13:05
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Print your vrml models in 3D, in true color ... using paper!
by vcard on 2013, January 1 - 10:11
1 916 by artur
2013, January 2 - 18:25
General discussion
Hot topic Project Côa 3D
by laura.ferreira on 2013, February 11 - 00:15
12 4,489 by Fialho
2015, February 2 - 23:25
Worlds and objects


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