Vivaty Studio - Short Tutorials

Welcome to Vivaty Studio Short tutorial series designed to easily let you master all fundamental aspects of world creation.




01 Introduction

Vivaty Studio is a WYSIWYG VRML/X3D authoring application with a 3D modeling interface. Designed to create virtual worlds from scratch, includes a wide range of tools, from 3D modellers to scripting interfaces.  It's one of the most complete VRML/X3D software packages available.

Created by Vivaty, this program is no longer supported or updated due to the demise of this virtual worlds company. The installer can be downloaded from Babel X3D or from here.


02 General Interface

General interface:


Vivaty Studio's interface is similar to generic 3D modeling and animation programs. The main view is dominated by perspective viewpoints: 3D view, top, front and side views. These can be customized using commands and freely rotated. Program options and commands can be accessed in the menu bar at the top. On the left, a toolbar contains modeling and vrml tools. On the right one panel displays a node/object manager and, if a node or object is selected, its properties.




There are four stardand views: isometric and top, side and front views. These can be freely rotated. To expand a view double click on the name bar. 


Views are interchangeable. Use the change view button on the menu bar to alternate between top, down, left, right, front and back views. This is a very handy feature when assembling virtual worlds.

Menu bar:


The menu bar contains generic tools and specific tools. (rever)



The toolbar contains 3D modeling tools, VRML management tools, and specific node tools.


Node/Object manager:


The node/object manager lists in a tree hierachy all the nodes and objects in the file. These can be dragged and dropped to be repositioned on the list.